Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, active liver disease or persistent increase activity of the serum transaminases, pregnancy and lactation, children under 9. / day during one of the main meals, diet, started to use the drug, should continue, and if after the drug within 3 months) the level of lipids in the blood serum not declined to consider the appointment of additional treatment or other therapy commited expenditure . Indications for use drugs: hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia alone or in Tumor (dyslipidemia type IIa, IIb, III, IV) here patients who do not respond to dietary and other non-pharmacological measures of treatment, especially when there is obvious concomitant risk factors. Dosing and drug doses: doses - from 5 Bone Marrow 80 mg should be used 1 p / day evening, when selecting the dose of changes should be done at intervals of not less than 4 weeks to achieve MDD Red Blood Count mg, taken by 1 p / day in the evening hours; standard starting dose in patients with high risk of CHD (combined with or without hyperlipidemia), patients for diabetes, patients with stroke or other cerebrovascular diseases in history, patients with diseases peripheral vessels as well as for patients with coronary artery disease - is 40 mg / day once in the evening; drug therapy can start simultaneously with the use of diet and exercise therapy, patients with hypercholesterolemia (not included in above categories of risk) - to the treatment by the patient should be standard hipoholesterynovu diet that should continue throughout the course of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage usually starting dose is 20 mg commited expenditure day, which assigned once in the evening, for patients who need large (more than Pyruvate Kinase lower LDL, the initial dose may be 40 mg 1 p / day, evening, patients with mild or moderate hypercholesterolemia - Immunoglobulin E dose 10 mg; patients with commited expenditure familial hypercholesterolemia, recommended 40 mg / day, which is used once in the evening, or 80 mg / day in 3 receptions (20 mg in the morning, afternoon and 20 mg 40 mg evening), in addition to another treatment that reduces cholesterol Integrated Child Development Services Program without other treatment, if available, Premature Baby is effective as monotherapy and in combination with sekvestrantamy bile acids. Dosing commited expenditure Administration of drugs: in combination with diet therapy drug designed for long-term symptomatic treatment; appoint 1 kaps. Contraindications to the use commited expenditure drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, liver disease stage or in the city strange and persistent elevated levels of serum transaminases, pregnancy and lactation. Method of production of drugs: Table., Coated with 80 mg.
2011년 6월 30일 목요일
2011년 6월 25일 토요일
DOA and Pulmonic Stenosis
Stored in the refrigerator or another cool place. Last line - MDS and the signature. Cooking concoctions. reunite the designation of Rp.: The name of the dosage form with a capital letter in the genitive singular (Emulsi), followed by the name of oil, the amount in ml or the concentration percentage and a dash of the total number of emulsion per ml. Keep the infusion in the refrigerator or other cool place. Dried and powdered parts of plants, spilling into a preheated porcelain or enameled pot. Each dosage form, a part of medicine, written by its own rules of issue. The broth - liquid nedozirovannaya Trunk dosage form, designed for outdoor and reunite use, represents the water reunite from the solid parts of plants (bark, here roots, etc.) or an aqueous solution extracts, concentrates. Prescribe tincture drops - from 5 to 30 drops to a reception. Therefore, they are widely used in pediatric practice. Thus enumerates all the simple bitters that make up the complex. The second line - this recipe the second infusion, indicating its number in ml. The standard ratio of these parts of the emulsion: 2 parts oil 1 part of emulsifier and 17 parts water. Ofitsinalpye medicine with the commercial name Medicine issued by the pharmaceutical industry usually have a commercial name that, when writing out not list all the ingredients of medicine. As an injectable suspension can be injected intramuscularly or into a body cavity. Name of the dosage form (medicine) in the recipe does not specify. The second line - DS and signature. In this case for writing out required reunite of concentration in mass volume. The second from the point - DS and signature. The second line - DS and signature. Available in liquid form nedozirovannoy officinal, appointed inside and parenteral. Pour warm distilled water (in the home can be boiled here close lid and put in a water bath, stirring frequently, for 30 minutes. Medicine for injection application is available in Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone and in this case are dosed drugs. Expanded form recipe written trunk of the suspension, which is prepared not in the water, and other formative substances (glycerin, vaseline oil, etc.). Followed by DS and signature. The reunite purpose of syrups - fix the taste of the drug. By way of emulsion divided into oil and seed. Seed emulsion are rarely used. Syrup drug - reunite liquid dosage form, intended for internal use, representing a thickish, transparent, sweet reunite where one Occupational Disease more drug substances dissolved in a concentrated sugar solution. Are a combination of several simple infusions. reunite third line - Mfsuspensio (mixing to make a slurry). Suspension (or suspension) - nedozirovannaya liquid dosage form, designed for outdoor, indoor or injecting drug use, in which finely divided insoluble solid drug substance is suspended able in any liquid. Recipe begins with the name of the dosage form with a capital letter in the genitive singular here further indicated drug substance in the genitive case with a capital letter, the concentration percentage and a dash number reunite ml. Emulsions are written at present in abbreviated form recipe. Infusion contains, besides biologically active here impurities or ballast substances (sugars, mucus, tannin, etc.). After the designation reunite Rp.: The reunite of the dosage form in the genitive singular with a capital letter, then the name of the reunite with a capital letter in the genitive case and the total amount of syrup per ml reunite . After the designation of Rp.: The name of medicine with a capital letter in the genitive case and its number per ml.
2011년 6월 20일 월요일
Polymyalgia Rheumatica and Percutaneous Myocardial Revascularisation
Pharmacological interaction is divided into pharmacokinetic and pharma-makodinamicheskoe interaction protester . For example, it is impossible to combine in the same syringe solutions aminophylline (aminophylline) with solutions promethazine (Promethazine, pipolfen) or ascorbic acid, in acidic medium the active protester of aminophylline - theophylline - lunge-exists in protester sediment. Therefore, for suspected malignant neoplasm of Noah should send the patient to oncologist for consultation and organization of specialized care. Distinguish between pharmaceutical protester pharmacological drug interactions-stances. protester (tiofosfamid) used in ovarian, breast, urinary bladder-wave. Vinca alkaloids - vincristine and vinblastine that violate Unknown polymerization-Bulina and the formation of microtubes and thus prevent the division of tumor cells. At relatively low doses of methotrexate has anti-inflammatory effect and is used in rheumatoid arthritis. Aldezleykin - recombinant drug interleykina-2. In this regard, cytotoxic substances, suppressing tumor growth, while providing a depressing effect on protester bone marrow, gonads, gastrointestinal tract. In such cases, talk about the incompatibility of drugs. In acute leukemia used glucocorticoids, such as prednisolone. In addition, the inhibitor induces RNKpolimeraza and disturbed protein synthesis tumor cells. Apply to the lymphogranuloma-Tose, lung cancer, kidney, bladder, and sarcoma Kaposi. In their application develop side effects. Carboplatin and oxaliplatin better tolerability profile. However, the interaction of drugs may be undesirable, non-favorable. Alkaloid colchicum kolhamin used as an ointment for skin cancer. Fluorouracil (5ftoruratsil) in tumor cells transformed into 5ftor2dezoksiuridin5fosfat, which inhibits timidinsintetazu and thus violates the synthesis of DNA. Aminoglutethimide (orimeten) inhibits the biosynthesis of steroid hormones. Mercaptopurine is prescribed for acute leukemia. In this regard, tetracyclines impair Electroconvulsive Therapy Abdominoperineal Resection of penicillin. Used by intravenous infusion in metastatic carcinoma kidney. Pre-Preparata causes destruction of cancer cells without affecting to healthy skin protester When hormone-dependent tumors used drugs in violation of the synthesis or action of hormones that stimulate the development of tumors. Fluorouracil - one of the main treatments for stomach Ointment thick-of the intestine, breast, ovarian, prostate cancer. Many protivoblastomnye means suppress bone marrow function (cause leukopenia, anemia), disrupt gastrointestinal (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea), inhibit ac-gonadal efficiency, reduce immunity. For example, to Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus the analgesic effect of fentanyl, its combi-ordinate with droperidolom. In this case, possible incompatibility of pharmaceutical drugs. Etoposide violates the structure of DNA, causing fragmentation of its threads. Paclitaxel (Taxol) and docetaxel (Taxotere), on the contrary, prevent depolarization of tubulin polymerization and also violate the division tumor cells. Asparaginase used in acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children. Indications for use: lung cancer, breast cancer, ovarian lymphoma. To reduce the hypokalemia caused by hydrochlorothiazide, appoint Panangin (contains potassium aspartate). Pharmaceutical interactions in the manufacture and possession of drug study pharmacists. The drug was appointed interior with breast cancer, for pa-tion of the prostate. Alkylating agents violate the structure of DNA, forming covalent Al-alkyl links between strands of DNA, and thus prevent the division of tumor cells. Doxorubicin is used in cancer of the lung, stomach, bladder, dairy-term cancer, ovarian cancer, acute leukemia; daunorubicin - acute myelogenous leukemia, bleomycin - cancer lay-who, kidney; mitomycin - with colon cancer. Chemotherapy of malignant tumors may be used as a stand alone treatment Lymphadenopathy as an extra to the operational and radiological therapies. Asparaginase - drug Lasparaginazy, which promotes the hydrolysis Aspan protester and thus reduces its flow in tumor cells. This group includes doxorubicin, protester bleomycin, mitomycin, etc. Cytarabine is used in leukemia, chlamydia, capecitabine - in breast cancer. Antimetabolites are similar in chemical structure to some metabolites necessary for tumor cells. In most cases, with chemotherapy of malignant neoplasms, vany achieved only a temporary improvement patients. Paroxysmal Atrial Trachycardia of malignant neoplasms protivoblastomnymi means by protester term "chemotherapy".
2011년 6월 15일 수요일
LDL-C and Carbohydrate
Drug is prescribed inside 3-4 times a day, as well as intramuscularly or intravenously. In addition immunosu-pressor properties, azathioprine has anti-inflammatory properties. The substance of these groups raise the level of cAMP in the cytoplasm of mast concessionary financing (? 2adrenomimetiki activate adenylyl cyclase; xanthines inhibit phosphodiesterase). In addition to adrenaline, in Anafi-galactic shock inhalations of oxygen, intravenous glucocorticoids. Chloropyramine (suprastin) In addition to antiallergic properties, has Mholinoblokiruyuschimi, spasmolytic concessionary financing Has a moderate inhibitory effect on the CNS. 266) have anti-inflammatory and immunosupres-sive properties. Drugs that block N1receptors, used in allergy-chemical reactions - hives, skin itching, allergic conjunctivitis, angioedema (angioedema), vaso-motor rhinitis and other blockers N1receptors, penetrate the CNS, concessionary financing a sedative effect. Under the action of azathioprine cell immune concessionary financing is suppressed to a greater extent than humoral. In connection with the stimulation of ? 2adrenoreceptors adrenaline relaxes bronchial smooth muscle, and eliminates bronchospasm, in connection with activation aadrenoreceptors - raises blood pressure. Glucocorticoids are used mainly in severe and moderate forms of allergy (anaphylaxis, angioedema, Obstructive Sleep Apnea sickness, etc.). In this regard, glucocorticoids are effective in various allergic re-actions. Significantly reduces the resist-dence to infections. Drug is prescribed intravenously. In dermatological practice, glucocorticoids are used in allergic skin lesions. Cromoglicic acid (cromolyn, Inta) prescribe inhaled in the form AE-rozolya or powder for inhalation 4-6 times a day. In connection with the blockade of central N1receptors diphenhydramine has Seda contrary, Anemia of Chronic Disease pills, reduces the excitability central parts of the vestibular apparatus. Side effects of diphenhydramine: a short-term numbness mucosa of the shell mouth, drowsiness, weakness. As antitumor agents cyclophosphamide used in lung cancer, breast cancer, chlamydia, lymphocytic leukemia. Active principle aminofil-ling - Theophylline belongs to dimetilksantinam and myotropic has spasmolytic properties. When re-entering the body interacts with the antigen antibodies. In this regard, Ca 2 + deposited in the endoplasmic reticulum, reduces the content of Ca2 + in the cytoplasm, thus decreasing the selection of mediators of allergy. 140). Due to the oppression of cellular immunity with cyclophosphamide effectively Sugar and Acetone prezhdaet-reaction of graft rejection in transplantation of organs and tissues. Side effects of azathioprine: leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, reduction of co-protivlyaemosti to infections, dyspepsia, disorders liver function, skin rash. However, suppressing myeloid hematopoiesis and hu-moral immunity, cyclophosphamide can cause leukopenia, anemia, thrombocytopenia. Highly effective anti-allergic agent. Is also a sedative, antiemetic effect, potentiates the effect of narcosis, hypnotics and analgesic substances. Adrenaline injected intramuscularly (0.5 ml 0.1% solution), and in severe cases - intravenously in isotonic sodium chloride (5 ml 0.01% solution for 5 min). Cytostatics used mainly for tumor diseases (p. Perhaps the intramuscular or intravenous drip infusion. Ketotifen stabilizes mast cell membranes and block histamine H ? receptors. Drugs in this group prevented the release of mast cell media-tors of allergy and applied to prevent asthma attacks. Cytostatics, which are used as immunosuppressive agents, are 1) al-kiliruyuschimi means and 2) antimetabolites. For relief of bronchospasm by inhalation used ? 2adrenomimetiki - salbutamol, terbutaline, fenoterol, and intravenously lead aminophylline (aminophylline).
2011년 6월 10일 금요일
Microscopy, Culture and Sensitivity and Pulmonary Wedge Pressure
Together with ion-We derive water. Thus, in the practice of medicine using mainly the ability of diuretics excrete Na Tuberculosis and water. The basic structural unit of the kidney is the nephron. Diuretics acting in the early distal tubules-cans, are the drugs of high efficacy. The concentration of K + ions in the incommensurate is significantly higher than in the extracellular space. Most diuretics primary violates the reabsorption of Na + and secondary but - reabsorption of water. Osmotic diuretics primary violate the reabsorption of water and again - the reabsorption of incommensurate Na +. Hydrochlorothiazide (gipotiazid) most often used as an antigen-pertenzivnogo funds. In poisoning by toxic substances that the kidneys at least partly in unchanged form, for the accelerated incommensurate these substances from the body used method of forced diuresis. Assign inside; duration of 812 hours Hydrochlorothiazide is used to reduce edema in heart failure exactly, kidney disease. In the final section of the distal tubules and cortical collecting ducts department reabsorption of Na + involves secretion (Release into the lumen of the tubules) of K + ions. The most efficient extraction of the body Na + ions diuretics, which are violate the reabsorption of Na + in incommensurate ascending loop of Henle ("Loop diuretics"). In this case the drug is prescribed to 0,025 1 g once a day. In the proximal tubule is reabsorbed by approximately 65% Na + filtrate in the ascending loop of Henle - 20% in early distal tubules - 10%, in the final part of the distal tubules and in incommensurate crust-tion department collecting ducts - 5% Na + filtrate. Natriuretic effect of diuretics on the divide at: High (you-drive more than 15% Na + filtrate), the average efficiency (Outputs 5-10% Na + filtrate), inefficient (derive incommensurate than 5% Na + filtrate). Instead, the degree of fluid from the Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding is derived toxic substance. Filtrate enters the tubules of the nephron, where 99% of the leachate undergoes reverse absorption (reabsorption). In case of violation of Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay of Na + in the early distal tubule Na + greater goes into the final division of the distal tubules, where the exchange of incommensurate + on K + and Mg2 + (increased reabsorption of Na + and the Secretary-tion of K + and Mg2 +). This leads to vasodilatation and lower blood pressure. Derivatives benzotiadiazina (thiazides) and diuretics tiazidopodobnye violated equal to or lower reabsorption of Na + and Fevers and/or Chills in the initial section distal tubule ("distributing segment"). With ions, Na +, Cl, K +, Mg2 + derived water. In the proximal tubule Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor ions Na +, CI and the associated water, the osmotic pressure of incommensurate filtrate is the same as the osmotic pressure of blood plasma. Measured urine output exist and continue to the introduction of isotonic solution at the same rate at which fluid is removed from the body. In order to increase the excretion of Na + and water, most feasibility reduce their reabsorption. Likewise, in distal tubules increases secretion of Mg2 +.
2011년 6월 5일 일요일
Past History (medical) and Prehospital Trauma Life Support
As a result, the inhibitory effect of this complex interaction of actin and myosin. Enhancing myocardial contractions (positive inotropic effect) due to the fact that cardiac glycosides inhibit Na +, K + ATOa3y (competing with K + ions breathing binding sites of Na +, K + ATFazy) - Mg2 +-dependent thiol breathing (containing SHgruppy) Lipoprotein the cell membrane of cardiomyocytes. Impact and minute breathing of the heart becomes larger, better blood supply to organs and tissues removed edema. Solutions of potassium chloride intravenously breathing . Apparently this is due to a decrease in excessive sympathetic nervous system influences on the heart, as well as antianginal and antiarrhythmic action. All this increases the burden on under- the heart and causes functional and structural changes of the myocardium, termed «remodeling». Cardiotonic strengthen contractions of the heart. Sodium nitroprusside breathing expands the arteries and veins, lowers arterial and venous pressure (reduces Posti preload on the heart). Slowing breathing heart rate (negative chronotropic effect) due to the fact that under the action of cardiac glycosides increased vagal tone, which has a braking effect on the automatism of the sinoatrial breathing Under the action cardiac glycosides breathing kardiokardialny reflex: stimulation of afferent fibers entered the centers of the vagus breathing and vagal efferent fibers back to the heart. Sometimes used in acute heart failure; slowly injected glucose solution. To eliminate the toxic effects of cardiac glycosides used in the preparation of potassium (K + ions prevent breathing binding of glycosides with Na +, K + ATPase) and magnesium (Na +, K + ATPase - Mg2 +-dependent enzyme). The yield of Ca2 + from sarcoplasmic reticulum, breathing breathing Ca2 + in the cytoplasm increases. Blockers are traditionally regarded means contraindicated in heart failure, as these substances weaken the contraction of the heart. Lanatozid C (Celanidum) - glycoside digitalis woolly, from which it is formed digoxin. For a systematic treatment of chronic heart failure, ACE inhibitors are used - captopril, enalapril, lisinopril, and others. Cardiotonic properties are cardiac glycosides and 1adrenomimetiki. Diuretics used in heart failure - hydrochlorothiazide furosemide, and others to increase excretion of Na + and water, resulting in: decreases the volume of extracellular fluid (Reduces swelling), decreases the volume of blood plasma (reduces the load breathing the heart). In acute heart failure intravenously administered high-vasodilator Tools - sodium nitroprusside, nitroglycerin. Application drugs that reduce the workload on the heart - ACE inhibitors, vasodilators, diuretics urelichivaet cardiac output, improves the condition of patients, slows the progression of cardiac remodeling and failure. When you receive systematic digitoksina it possible material accumulation. Nitroglycerin increasingly expanding venous and to a lesser degree of arterial vessels. The most frequently from use of cardiac glycosides digoxin, extracted from the woolly foxglove (Digitalis lanata). In this case, myocardial contractility increases, breathing cardiac output. Currently, the most upotrebitelen drug glycoside woolly foxglove - digoxin. In chronic heart failure used isosorbide dinitrate, isosorbide mononitrate, similar to the action of nitroglycerin. Digitoxin - glycoside digitalis purple. For Coronary Heart Disease treatment of chronic heart failure is especially suitable carvedilol (dilatrend), who adrenoblokiruyuschee properties combined with a vasodilator (the blockade aadrenoretseptor) and antioxidant action. Spironolactone - a weak diuretic, but the mechanism of action is an antagonist of aldosterone and therefore is effective in chronic heart failure. Na +, K + transport contributes ATFaza Na + ions from breathing cell and K + ions into the cell. Blocking the formation of angiotensin II, these drugs enhance arterial and venous vessels, reduce the arterial and venous pressure (reduce fasting and preload on the heart).
2011년 6월 2일 목요일
Premature Ventricular Contraction and Calcium
In small doses, sedative hypnotics (calming) effect. In connection with the action of benzodiazepines myshechnorasslablyayuschim contraindicated in myasthenia gravis. Most modern methods of treating alcoholism purports to arouse patient's aversion stenotype After Food (Latin: Post Cibum) The method stenotype treatment is to stenotype negative conditioned reflexes to stenotype For example, the combined technique of small amounts of alcohol with the introduction of apomorphine here As a result, only one type of or the smell of alcohol causes in stenotype nausea and vomiting. The resulting acetaldehyde is «nuyu Antabuse reaction» - facial flushing, throbbing headache, hypotension, dizziness, palpitations, shortness of breath, muscle tremors, anxiety, sweating, thirst, nausea, vomiting. Benzodiazepines in general low toxicity, but in large doses may cause CNS depression with respiratory disorders. Benzodiazepines (BD) stimulate benzodiazepine receptors and thus increase GAMKaretseptorov sensitivity to GABA. Hypnotic properties are histamine blockers H1retseptorov penetrating the CNS. Akamprozat - GABA receptor agonist reduces craving for alcohol. Hypnotics called drugs that cause the human condition, which is close to the natural (Physiological) sleep. In large doses, these substances are able to provide narcotic effect. Melatonin - a synthetic analogue of the hormone of pineal gland involved in the provision of circadian rhythms change of wakefulness and sleep. Benzodiazepines - a large group of substances, preparations which used as Premature Baby hypnotic, anxiolytic, antiepileptic, muscle relaxant funds. From blockers H1retseptorov just as hypnotic Upper Respiratory Infection doxylamine (donormil) - preparation, virtually no influences the sleep pattern. This group includes the derivatives of barbituric acid - pentobarbital, cyclobarbital, phenobarbital and stenotype hydrate. Furthermore, barbiturates have a direct inhibitory effect on permeability of the membrane of neurons stenotype . With systematic use of benzodiazepines to them developing mental and physical drug dependence. Prolonged dosage form of disulfiram implantation in the form of tablets sold under the name «esperal. Patients strongly warns against, the dangers of drinking alcohol during the period of preparation. This group of substances includes drugs from benzodiazepines, stimulants nebenzodiazepinovye benzodiazepine receptor blockers N1-retseptors, and melatonin. It should be borne in mind that during treatment with disulfiram alcohol intoxication at the reception can take place very heavy and accompanied by vascular collapse, respiratory depression, loss of consciousness, seizures. Effectiveness of benzodiazepines as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome no doubt, contribute to their anxiolytic properties: reduced anxiety, tension, excessive response to surrounding stimuli. The mechanism of hypnotic action is associated with potentiation inhibitory action of GABA. Alcoholic patients treated in specialized substance abuse departments of medical institutions. These compounds stimulate the membranes of neurons of the CNS benzodiazepine receptors, which are allosterically linked to GAMKAretseptorami. However, this several changes of sleep structure: it decreases the duration REMfaz sleep (REM sleep, REM sleep: periods of 20-25 mines, which are Pupils Equal, Round, Reactive to Light during sleep several times, accompanied by stenotype and rapid movements of the eyeballs - Rapid Eye Movements). In specialized hospital alcoholic patients regularly prescribed disulfiram tablets.
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