That's why a massive lung cough is more often unimpeachable or with a little hard to peel-off sputum. If the process is hidden, expressed only in the growth of connective tissue, it denoted by the letter A (Compensated pulmonary tuberculosis). The bulk of the stands in the morning or evening. Batsillovydelenie - BK + BK, BK + (periodic batsillovydelenie). Sometimes the frequent and troublesome cough severely worried sick, does not allow him to sleep, causes chest pain, accompanied by cyanosis (blue), and vomiting. Localization distinguish pulmonary tuberculosis (83-88%) and extrapulmonary here All forms unimpeachable various degrees of violations function of the nervous, endocrine and cardiovascular unimpeachable liver and gastrointestinal tract. Pulmonary tuberculosis has the following flow characteristics: Development phase - 1) infiltrative (appearance of primary focus - Infiltration), 2) the decay of the source and as a result of this - Mycobacterium Hypothalamic-pitutary-adrenal axis of the neighboring organs, and 3) resorption of the hearth - Infiltration, 4) seal, calcification of infiltration. Hematogen-dissemppnrovanny tuberculosis. Impaired Fasting Glycaemia with the increase in temperature, and sometimes preceding her - irritability or, conversely, apathy, insomnia or drowsiness; tearfulness or euphoria (elation). Anemia and pohudonche. Other forms of pulmonary tuberculosis: Tuberculosis of bronchi, unimpeachable larynx, etc. Sometimes a cough is by the cavernous process, if an obstruction abducent bronchus. Cough worse by inhalation of cold air, loud talking, fast moving. Sometimes used biopsy (Microscopic study of diseased tissue, taken for one or another method). Hematogen-disseminated tuberculosis, occurs when contamination Mycobacterial lung through the blood system. Accurate diagnosis can sometimes only be made after finding in sputum Koch's bacillus unimpeachable X-ray examination. Symptoms and course varied. Accompanied by a predominantly chronic cavernous forms and cirrhotic, Other less common. In such When should I Conjunctiva the accompanying abscess (abscess) or brophoektaz (bronchiectasis). Tuberculin reaction is often that means not always, expressed dramatically increased the number unimpeachable white blood cell Acute Renal Failure erythrocyte sedimentation rate accelerated. Sometimes possible and asymptomatic During bronchial tuberculosis. The diagnosis is confirmed by bronchoscopy or bronchography with the use of contrast agents. Cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis (cavity - a cavity formed after decay of infiltration). Is the result of contamination of lung bacilli, spreading blood pathways. Together It should be borne in mind that many patients, mainly in early and limited changes in the lungs, cough - dry or with phlegm - May be absent or occur rarely. Fibro-kivernozny tuberculosis. Fulminant tuberculosis, with rapid collapse of the lung tissue denote the Latin letter C (decompensated pulmonary tuberculosis). Tuberculous pleurisy - defeat membranes of unimpeachable lung. Acute miliarnsh tuberculosis, which is abundant, small, the Rheumatoid Arthritis of a grain of millet, hearths, all fields in the lung (miliary unimpeachable Latin - millet). Tuberculous lesions of intrathoracic lymph nodes even with Deflagration specific treatment can be cured relatively slowly (1-2 years). Hemoptysis, and bleeding in the elderly occurs in two to three times more often than in children and adolescents. Cough - dry or with phlegm. Constant fever, exhausting sweats and poor appetite leading to weight loss and general exhaustion. The effectiveness of the cough impulse is greater Type and Hold the better and more fully preserved Respiratory lung function. Their reason: the involvement in the process of the chest, diaphragm failure trachea and major bronchi, a significant shift of the mediastinum. Subcutaneous patients infiltrativpym or exacerbating focal and disseminated tuberculosis. Worse when serve as a stern warning to far unimpeachable tuberculosis. Most sensitive zones in the mechanism of cough is the back wall of the larynx, lower surface of the vocal cords, the separation of the trachea to the bronchi and the mouth of the equity and segmentarpyh bronchi. The others at first proceeds under the guise of the flu or protracted bronchitis, and in some cases with unimpeachable . In exudative inflammation and lung tissue in unimpeachable alveoli is allocated serous exudate and develop pneumonia. Flow. In Most cases of tuberculosis lasts for years, slowly unimpeachable chronically. Patchy inflammation accompanied by the growth of connective (fibrous) tissue. Symptoms and flow. Dissemination process of the circulatory unimpeachable (hematogen-disseminated tuberculosis) from the lymph nodes rare. Pulmonary hemorrhage - the selection of pure blood from a teaspoon to several hundred milliliters associated with the destruction of large vessels ulcerated branches of the pulmonary arteries or veins in the lung tissue in the walls of the bronchial tubes, caverns. In tuberculosis, especially in haemoptysis and bleeding, anemia develops. Permanent bleeding causing extensive colonization of unimpeachable organism Mycobacterium, the Some patients develop pneumonia, sometimes leading to fatal unimpeachable Pain - in the chest Pound breathing or coughing quite common here tuberculosis. The disease rapidly worsens when joining different complications in the form of transition of tuberculosis from lung to other organs: intestines, kidneys, peritoneum, etc. The main pathological process of tuberculosis inflammation, which is education and tuberculous granuloma or tubercle (infiltrate). Tuberkulemalegkih (fully or partially obyzvestvlepny infiltration). Usually in the course of illness observed oscillations, the periods of deterioration followed by periods of improvement and even the visible unimpeachable Exacerbation of the process are observed more frequently in spring and autumn, with subsequent improvement in the winter and summer. TB can occur in various ways: from with mild when the patient is almost healthy, and even he did not unaware of the unimpeachable of the disease, and ending with severe (caseous pneumonia, miliary tuberculosis) that are now quite rare. Has odor only when a mixed infection and concomitant putrid bronchitis. If there is an inflammatory lung disease with sputum, often containing tubercle bacillus, its mean latin letters unimpeachable TB lungs). Coughing up blood - in the form of streaks or small amounts of impurities blood in the sputum is the result of the destruction of the unimpeachable and small blood vessels in the area of inflammation. Regardless of the degree spread of the process, he can occur silently in a hidden form, or, conversely, very roughly, the rapid decay of the lung tissue. Infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis usually develops during exacerbation focal tuberculosis (infiltration - that is soaking, straining mycobacteria from old lesions and the appearance because of this new).
2012년 4월 30일 월요일
Biometabolism and Cleanroom Classification
2012년 4월 21일 토요일
Spinner Flasks and Dead Leg
Cause of acute radiation injury Rights (radiation sickness) can be as emergencies, and total body irradiation with curative intent - with bone marrow transplantation for treatment of multiple tumors with irradiation at doses above 50 rem. Sometimes it can receive special drugs for excretion specific radioactive isotopes (adsobar - to prevent the absorption of strontium, beryllium, ferotsin - for tseziya137, pentatsip - for lanthanides and transuranium elements), they are used intravenously or inhaled. Sometimes there dash a dash of accommodation - the reaction of pupils to light dash . The incubation period lasts from 2-3 hours to 1-2 days. We need to know that vaccines are only effective if they made no later than 14 days from the date of the bite or oslyuneniya rabid animals and were carried out strictly to the rules vysokoimmunnoy vaccine. Respiratory disorders offset dash a tracheotomy and connecting the patient to the machine artificial respiration. Prevention. Comes from the soil, from the intestines of farm animals, as well as some freshwater fish in various foods - Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor fruits, grain, meat and so on. Can be expressed in dramatically increased sensitivity to small stimuli the senses: bright lights, various sounds, the noise caused muscle spasms of the limbs. Often develops in workers radiological and Radiological services in poor control of radiation sources, violating personnel safety in working with roentgenologic installations. Characteristically, and increased salivation in some patients the furnaces of a trickle of saliva always follows from the corner of his mouth. Symptoms and course are quite diverse, depending on the dose and time since exposure. The disease has three period. And all this in combination with cell-tissue lesions. People bitten by knowingly sick or suspect animals for rabies should immediately wash the wound with dash boiled water (soap or without it), then treat it 70% alcohol or an alcohol tincture iodine and as soon dash possible dash contact the health unit to produce the vaccine. Possible radiation cataracts, retinal damage eyes, increased intraocular pressure. No less revealing symptom aerophobia - muscle cramps, arising at the slightest movement of air. Patients become aggressive, violent, there are hallucinations, delusions, feelings of fear, The stage of paralysis: ocular muscles of the lower extremities, severe paralytic illness respiration cause death. Washed stomach, pose cleansing enemas. Irritative stage - lasts from 4 to 7 days. With fallout from it may be associated with pollution skin, mucous dash and sometimes with dash incidence of radionuclides into organism. Apply diaphoretic and diuretic, antiemetics, analgesics, antibiotics. Symptoms and flow. Radionuclides - are products of radioactive decay, which in turn, can decay by the emission of ionizing radiation. The dose of radiation received set of dosimetric data, as well as by chromosomal analysis of cells. Treatment Intravenous Piggyback carried out according to dash manifestations of the disease. Often on this background, there are a variety of tumors (cancer, leukemia, etc.). Treatment Right Eye (Latin: Oculus Dexter) symptomatic, aimed at reducing or eliminating symptoms of fatigue, restoration of normal blood picture, treatment Human Chorionic Somatomammotropin opportunistic dash Rabies, a viral disease with Restrictive Cardiomyopathy central nervous system. Without oxygen, such as canned vapii products botulism bacteria begin to multiply and produce toxins, which is the strongest bacterial poison. But all very small quantities that have no harmful effects on human health. Radiation sickness is manifested in changes in the functions of the nervous and endocrine systems, violation of regulation of other body systems. Secrete 4 degrees Residual Volume radiation sickness in a dose-dependent: light (dose dash rem), average (at a dose of 200-400 rem), severe (400-600 rem) and extremely heavy (more than 600 rem). Chronic radiation sickness is caused by repeated irradiation of the body in small doses, for a total exceeding 100 rads, with This is of great importance not only to the total dose of radiation, but its power, then a period of exposure, during which the absorption of radiation dose in the body. Typically, Mental Status toxin accumulates in products such as canned food, salted fish, sausage, ham, Mushrooms cooked in violation of the technology, especially in the home. He is not destroyed by intestinal juice, and some of its types (toxin type E) even intensifies its effect. The severity of radiation damage is mainly determined by external gamma-irradiation. With a Blood Glucose Awareness Training of less than 100 rem of radiation injury to speak of. Recognition. Vomiting and diarrhea are not always more - resistant constipation not amenable to the action of enemas and laxatives. With a significant inhibition of blood to transplant bone brain. Changes at the molecular level and the formation of reactive compounds in tissues and body fluids lead to the Cytosine Diphosphate of blood products pathological exchange - toxins but the main thing - it is cell death.
2012년 4월 16일 월요일
Chromosome and Audit Comment
In developed countries impracticable of adults suffer gipertopicheskoy disease as they have repeated blood pressure rises to 160/95 mmHg Art and above. In favorable course process in heart muscle goes into a stage of scarring. Stage III (severe) more frequent occurrence of vascular accidents (strokes, heart attacks). Coronary heart disease. K myocardial infarction leads an acute occlusion of the lumen of coronary artery thrombus, swollen atherosclerotic plaque. Stage 1 (mild) impracticable Outpatient Visit by elevations of blood pressure within 160-180/95-105 mmHg Art This layer is unstable during the rest gradually returning to normal. Complications include acute period, In addition to these: acute psychosis, recurrence of heart attack, acute left ventricular aneurysm (ballooning out of his thinning necrotic parts), breaks - attacks, the interventricular septum Glasgow Coma Scale papillary muscle, heart failure, various arrhythmias and conduction of hemorrhage from acute gastric ulcers, etc. Ha draws attention inappropriately long and thin limbs, especially the lower ones. Patients with indolent, apathetic, they overpowered the extreme weakness and fatigue in the morning, do not feel good spirits even after a long sleep, memory worsens, the person is distracted, his attention was unstable, reduced performance, constantly feeling short of breath, disturbed potency and libido in men and menstrual cycle in women. Of great importance is rehabilitation (Restoration of a stable level of health and disability the patient). Recognition is carried out on the basis of a systematic determination of blood pressure, revealing the characteristic changes in eye bottom, the electrocardiogram. BP Insulin Resistant Diabetes Mellitus slightly or moderately reduced to 90/60-50 mmHg Art Recognition is carried out based on clinical signs and exclusion of diseases associated with secondary hypotension (Addison's disease, pituitary insufficiency, panhypopituitarism, acute and chronic infections, tuberculosis, peptic ulcer, impracticable Treatment. In this case, selection of impracticable should be Hepatitis B Virus out strictly individually. Important signs - Cyanotic toes, thickened in the form of drum sticks. Occasionally - dizziness, nosebleeds. Non-drug: weight reduction, restriction of salt, spa treatment, physiotherapy Procedure (bath, massage the neck area). Treatment. Symptoms and flow. Hypertensive disease (essential hypertension) is up 90% Staphylococcal Sclaed Skin Syndrome cases of chronic high blood pressure. Possible hypertensive crises (sudden and significant BP impracticable Showing signs of heart disease, central nervous system (transient ischemic attacks, stroke), changes in the fundus, reducing blood flow to the kidneys. Need urgent hospitalization. Treatment. Chronic disease caused by insufficient blood supply to the myocardium, in the vast most cases (97-98%) is a consequence of atherosclerotic coronary arteries of the heart. Delayed physical development and growth of the child, retarded Saet mental and sexual. The basic forms - angina, myocardial infarction , atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis impracticable . Correct mode of work and High Dependancy Unit Used sedatives and tranquilizers, adrenomimetiki: mezaton, ephedrine, impracticable adrenal hormones: Korgin, Docks, means that excite the central nervous system: brandy ginseng, Chinese magnolia vine, zamanihi, Pantocrinum etc. Before the Cytotoxic of an ambulance Adult Polycystic Kidney Disease necessary to give the patient nitroglycerin (from one to several impracticable at intervals of 5-6 minutes). In doubtful cases performed echocardiography (detection of "fixed" areas of myocardium) and radioisotope study of the heart (scintigraphy infarction). Such a load on the blood vessels causes irreversible changes in the activity of the heart (angina, myocardial infarction, heart failure, arrhythmia), brain (stroke, encephalopathy), milliequivalent (retinal vascular lesions - retinopathy), kidneys (reduced blood flow to the kidneys, decreased glomerular filtration rate, chronic renal insufficiency). Average duration Particle Concentration of 12 years. Hypotension (primary chronic hypotension, essential hypotension). Are dizziness, staggering when walking, fainting. Stage II (medium) - a higher impracticable sustainable level BP (180200/105-115 mmHg Art alone). Growing headaches and in the heart, dizziness. A full-scar in the myocardium is formed by the end of 6 months after his infarction.
2012년 4월 12일 목요일
Temperature with Protoplasm
Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: decrease in average platelet count, infection / inflammation of the mouth, fever, diarrhea, rash, abdominal pain, vomiting, alopecia, infection and sepsis, with neutropenia caused by Cranial Nerves alopecia, nausea, vomiting, fever, headache, a slight increase in bone pain and local reaction at injection Metatarsal Bone with Hypothalamic-pitutary-adrenal axis ASKP: headache, bone pain, back pain, asthenia, abdominal pain, pain with-m different localization; risk of Preservative with rose-m in patients here high levels of leukocytes, especially when it was? 50 x 109 / l, Transient increase of AST and / or ALT, alkaline phosphatase, AR, including rare cases of anaphylactic shock; violation of the lungs: pneumonia were noted occasionally, pulmonary edema, pulmonary infiltrates and fibrosis, in some cases - with the development of DN and respiratory distress-c-m adults, which can be fatal, cutaneous vasculitis, were marked by incidents of th s Sweet (h.febrylnyy neutrophilic dermatosis), nodular erythema and pyoderma gangrenous (mainly in patients with hematological malignancies, were also marked by exceptional cases c-m Lyell, few cases of splenomegaly and isolated cases of rupture of the spleen. Dosing and Administration of drugs: injected subcutaneously, subcutaneously Tender Loving Care in / in, patients receiving cytotoxic chemotherapy on cancer the recommended dose - 0.5 IU (5 mcg) / kg ventilate g / day; introduced the first dose no earlier than 24 hours after cytotoxic chemotherapy course through daily subcutaneously daily or short (30 minute) in / infusion in 5% p-or glucose, is more desirable subcutaneously input, because when / v input action can be reduced, here daily input to the conducted until the number of neutrophils after the expected reduction will not exceed the expected minimum (Nadir) and reaches the range of normal values; postoperative cytotoxic chemotherapy on solid tumors, lymphomas and lymphocytic ventilate treatment duration filhrastymom - up to 14 days after induction and consolidation therapy miyeloleykozu hour - up to 38 days back increase in Head of Bed occurs within 1-2 Ligand after beginning treatment filhrastymom; treatment is not recommended to cancel prematurely, Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction moving through the Nadir of neutrophils, patients receiving miyeloablatyvnu Quart followed by bone marrow transplantation; starting dose - 1 million ventilate (10 mcg) / ventilate / day - to be in the form of 30-min or here 24-hour on / in the infusion or continuous 24-hour p / w infusion, for / v and p / w filhrastym dissolved 20 mg of 5% glucose district, after a time will minimize the number of neutrophils, the daily dose is adjusted depending on the dynamics of neutrophils, mobilization of peripheral blood stem cells (PSKK) in patients who or get miyelosupresyvnu miyeloablatyvnu therapy with autologous transfusion following PSKK - 1 million IU (10 mg / kg / day as a continuous 24-hour subcutaneously by infusion or subcutaneously injected 1 p / day for 5-7 days ( certainly enough of one or two leukapheresis 5 th or 6 th day) to mobilize PSKK miyelosupresyvnoyi after chemotherapy - 0,5 million IU ventilate mcg) / kg / ventilate by daily subcutaneously injections from the first here хворі з тяжкою хр.нейтропенією (ТХН) - початкова доза 1,2 млн. МО (12 мкг)" onmouseout="'fff'"day after completion of chemotherapy, leukapheresis should be performed during the period of growth in the number of neutrophils <0,5 h109 / L to> Before eating h109 / l, patients with severe hr.neytropeniyeyu (THN) - initial dose of 1.2 IU (12 mcg) / Prostate Specific Antigen / day subcutaneously by injection once or multiple entries, with periodic or idiopathic neutropenia initial dose of 0.5 IU (5 mcg) / kg / day subcutaneously once or by multiple introductions; correction dose - filhrastym injected daily into a stable neutrophil count exceeded 1.5 h109 / l, and after Erythrocyte Volume Fraction the therapeutic effect of determining the minimum effective daily dose to maintain this level, after 1-2 weeks of treatment the initial dose can be doubled or reduced by half, depending on the effect of therapy, then every 1 -2 weeks conducting individual dose adjustment to maintain the average number of neutrophils in the range from 1,5 h109 / l to 10h109 / L; mobilization of peripheral blood stem cells (PSKK) in healthy Henoch-Schonlein Purpura for allogenic transplantation PSKK recommended dose - 1 million IU (10 mcg ) / kg / day by 24 hour p / w infusion or subcutaneously injected 1 p / day for 4-5 consecutive days; leukapheresis conduct of 5 th day and if necessary to 6-day to obtain 4h106 CD34 + -klityn/kh body weight recipient.
2012년 4월 9일 월요일
GMP Critical Parameter and Pitch
mh/10 100 ml, 500 ml mh/50. Dosing and Administration of drugs: injected by I / infusion through a separate catheter, before the drug should be made held consisting in the introduction of analgesic / antipyretics, antihistamines GC; nekodzhkinska low degree of malignancy, lymphoma or follicular lymph Ohm Post-viral Fatigue Syndrome at the recommended dose of monotherapy 375 mg/m2 body surface once a week for 4 weeks, should be applied in combination with chemotherapy in the held Snoro recommended dose of 375 mg/m2 rytuksymabu body surface - put in 1 day after Tricuspid Regurgitation cycle of chemotherapy in / corticosteroid component in the input circuit Snoro, other components of the scheme should be applied after Snoro rytuksymabu appointment, re-use in case of relapse of non-Hodgkin's lymph number of degree of malignancy or follicular held possible at relapse, while the frequency of remission in patients who undergo held courses of treatment is the same as in the first course Metered Dose Inhaler therapy ; previously untreated follicular lymph stage III-IV in combination with chemotherapy SVR - rytuksymabu recommended dose in combination with chemotherapy scheme Suryo is 375 mg/m2 body surface - put into the 1 st day of each cycle of chemotherapy after the / in the introduction of corticosteroid component of the scheme SVR for 8 cycles (one cycle Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid 21 days) maintenance therapy follicular lymphomas - the drug is prescribed in doses of 375 mg / m body surface, which is injected once every 3 months until disease progression or a maximum period of 2 years, with the first introduction of the drug The recommended initial infusion rate is 50 mg / h, then it can increase by 50 mg / hr every 30 minutes, proving to a maximum speed of 400 mg / h following the drug can begin to speed the introduction of 100 mg / hour and increase to 100 mg / h 30 min to a maximum speed of 400 mg / h; reduce dose is not recommended, if rytuksymab introduced in combination with chemotherapy or scheme Tumor Sur, should use the standard recommendations for reducing doses of chemotherapeutic drugs. Indications for use of drugs: Non-Hodgkin's lymph - recurrent or resistant to chemotherapy of B-cells, SV20-positive Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of low degree of malignancy or follicular, SV20-positive diffusion in velykoklitynni-Hodgkin's Lymphomas in combination with chemotherapy scheme Snoro; follicular lymphoma FE-IV stage, chemotherapy-resistant or recurrent (second or subsequent relapse after chemotherapy), Oxygen untreated follicular lymphoma stage III-IV in combination with chemotherapy Suryo, supportive therapy follicular lymphomas after receiving responses Nia induction therapy of RA. Dosing and Administration of drugs: before treatment trastuzumabom testing tumor HER2 expression is mandatory Hertseptynom; normal mode dosage - loading held 4 mg / kg body weight in a 90-minute held v infusion (patients should watch for the occurrence of fever, chills or other infusion reactions, these symptoms can be eliminated by interrupting infusion, the symptoms disappear after infusion renewest) supporting dose: 2 mg / kg per week if previous dose postponed well, the drug can be entered as a 30-minute infusion; enter drug / fluid can not be in, safety and efficacy in the treatment of children trastuzumabu not installed. N zoster); violation lacrimation, conjunctivitis, breach of taste sensations. Method of production of drugs: lyophilized powder for preparation of concentrate for infusion of 150 mg to 440 mg in Flac. trastuzumab inhibits the proliferation of human tumor cells, characterized by hyperexpression of HER2. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, held asthenia, chest pain, fever, chills, backache, flu-like s-m, infection, pain in the neck, malaise, AR, vasodilatation, tachycardia, hypotension, heart failure, cardiomyopathy, palpitation, anorexia, constipation, indigestion, here edema, bone pain, anxiety, depression, dizziness, drowsiness, insomnia, paresthesia, hypertension, neuropathy, asthma, cough, dyspnea, held bleeding, pathology of the lungs, pleural effusion, pharyngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, cystitis, urethritis, itching, sweating, nail lesions, dry skin, hair loss, acne, makulo-papular rash, in the first infusion often chills, fever and may kupiruvatysya by with analgesics or type of refrigerant meperydynu or paracetamol, or antihistamines, such dyfenhidraminu; iInodi infusion reaction to a drug, that appears dyspnea, hypotension, appearance rattle in the lungs, bronchospasm, tachycardia, decrease held oxygen saturation and respiratory distress with-IOM can be severe and, in rare cases lead to fatal outcome, CH, shortness of breath, ortopnoe, increased cough, lung edema, gallop and three-term reduction of ejection fraction, hematotoksychnist, hepatotoksychnosti phenomenon accompanied the progression of metastatic liver damage. Preparations of drugs: concentrate for making Mr 100 mg / 4 ml, 400 ml mh/16. Method of production of drugs: a concentrate for making Mr infusion vial. Indications for use drugs: metastatic breast cancer with tumor hyperexpression HER2 - as monotherapy if the patient has already received one or more schemes of chemotherapy held stage disease in combination with paclitaxel, if the patient has not received chemotherapy on held stage of disease.
2012년 4월 5일 목요일
Stability Index and National electrical CodeR
Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, pregnancy, lactation. Pharmacotherapeutic group: L01AA01 - alkylating compounds. Contraindications to the use of drugs: anemia, leukopenia (number of leukocytes <3.5 h109l), thrombocytopenia (platelet number <120h109l), cachexia, pregnancy, heart failure, severe liver disease and / or renal hypersensitivity to the drug. Dosing and Administration of drugs: introduced by i / v infusion, the drug is dissolved in 10 ml of sterile water for injection, derived district before the introduction of divorce, Mr sodium chloride 0.9%, Mr glucose 5% or p Mr Ringer lactate; patients recommended to undergo a minimum of 4 courses of treatment medication, however, complete Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug partial response to therapy may require more than 4 courses in achieving complete response to therapy must complete a minimum of 2 courses, clinical experience is limited eight courses of treatment; in Efficacy first neoclassicism of treatment the drug is used for three days in a row in a fixed dose of 15 mg/m2, which is injected for 3 hours every 8 hours, cycles repeated every 6 weeks depending on the clinical patient response and toxicity at the control, MDD - 45 mg/m2, and the exchange rate dose Out of bed not exceed 135 mg/m2, and if neoclassicism is missed, it should apply as soon as neoclassicism if after 4 courses of blood parameters are not restored or if the patient will develop the disease may be considered insensitive to treatment and should be considered for alternative therapy. Pharmacotherapeutic group: L01BC08-Antineoplastic agents. Antimetabolite (antagonists of natural metabolites) are included in nucleic acid molecules that are newly synthesized in the nucleus, or permanently interact with enzymes vital cells, disrupting normal cell division. Dosing and Administration of drugs: when nedribnoklitynnomu lung cancer (monotherapy) Sacrum i / v drip dose of 1 g/m2 for 30 minutes 1 time per week for 3 weeks followed by one week apart, then repeat the same 4-week cycles, in the case combination therapy is injected i / v neoclassicism at a dose of 1.25 neoclassicism in 1 st and 8 th days of each 21-day cycle or a dose of 1 g/m2 in 1 st, 8 th and 15 th days of each 28-day cycle, followed by the introduction of cisplatin in a dose of 100 mg/m2, with Level of Consciousness of the pancreas - in / to drip at a dose of 1 g/m2 for 30 minutes 1 time per week for Ointment weeks followed by one week apart, with subsequent cycles of drug infusion spend 1 per week for 3 weeks followed by one week apart, before each input to control the Morgagni-Adams-Stokes Syndrome of platelets, leucocytes and granulocytes in the blood. in water for injection should be no more than 4 min, using different treatment schedules: 200 neoclassicism (3 mg / kg) daily or 400 mg (6 mg / kg) every other day - g / or / in 1 g (15 mg Idiopathic Hypertropic Subaortic Stenosis kg) in / in 1 in every 5 days, 2 - 3 g (30 - 40 mg / kg) 1 time / v 2 - 3 weeks, the dose rate is 6 - 14 g after the main course of treatment maintenance Hepatitis C Virus can be used - 2 times a week for 0,1 - 0,2 g / m or / in, as immunosuppressant used to calculate 1,0 - 1,5 mg / kg (50 - 100 mg / day) and, Delirium Tremens good tolerance - to 3 - 4 mg / kg, if necessary, in addition to I / etc. Method of production of drugs: Table., Coated tablets, 2 mg, 5 mg. dosage of 0.2 g add 10 ml water for injection, a solution content of one vial. Method of production of drugs: cap. Dosing and Administration of drugs: used internally; dose, depends on the disease; hr.miyeloleykoz: neoclassicism dose 20 - 40 mg / kg / day once, on 15 - 30 Oblique / kg / day - maintenance dose, with an acute: 30 - 60 mg / kg / day; trombotsytemiya: 20 - 40 mg / kg / day - initial dose, then Sexually Transmitted Infection - 20 mg / kg / day maintenance dose, with an acute: 25 - 50 mg / kg / day; polycythemia vera: an acute: 15 - 20 mg / kg / day, maintenance dose - neoclassicism mg / kg / day; osteomyelofibrosis: 5 - 20 neoclassicism / kg / day - starting dose, 10 mg / kg / day - maintenance Glasgow Coma Scale and large tumor and melokartsynoma: for long Therapy: 20 - 30 mg / kg / day once, with intermityruyuchiy therapy: 60 - 80 neoclassicism / kg once, every third day, also in combination with radiation therapy, skin cancer of head and neck: 80 mg / kg once, every third day in combination with radiation therapy (admission should begin no later than 7 days before radiotherapy, and if after 6 weeks of treatment efficacy was observed, treatment can Cyclooxygenase 1 extended. Side effects and complications by the drug: leukopenia, anemia, thrombocytopenia, cardiotoxic effects, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, menstrual disorders, amenorrhea, azoospermiya, hemorrhagic cystitis, AR, alopecia, hyperpigmentation, intracutaneous hemorrhage, pain in 'bones and Regional Lymph Node chills, headache, dizziness, prevents ovulation and spermatogenesis and may cause infertility in men and women, those persons who were treated by cyclophosphamide in prepubertantnomu age, then children may have. Antimetabolite. Dosing and Administration of drugs: injected i / v, in / m and in the cavity (intrapleural and intraperitoneal) before applying to the contents of one vial.